Discussion of fees The fee for each 50-minute session is generally $125 including GST. However, a sliding scale, based on income, is available for clients who find this amount difficult to pay. Fees are usually discussed and agreed prior to our first session. Fees are payable prior to, or on the day of the appointment, using cash, cheque or online banking. I don’t have EFTPOS / credit card facilities.
Some clients may be eligible for up to 10 counselling sessions funded by WINZ and as a member of NZAC I can provide this. To apply for this funding, you will need to complete a form (Disability Certificate) which includes a statement from your doctor that they feel counselling is necessary and will be of value to you.
Fees For Students
I know that students studying courses in the helping professions, such as counselling or social work, may be required to participate in counselling and / or supervision during their education programme. The cost, which is on top of programme fees and other education expenses, can be very daunting. In recognition that students are the future workforce, I am happy to offer a reduced fee for students if they personally (not an employer) are meeting the costs of their counselling or supervision.
Cancellation or Postponement
Appointment times are always in demand, so I appreciate as much notice as possible if you wish to cancel or postpone. Less than 24 hours notice will result in a charge equal to half the fee we have negotiated.